about me

hello my name is Tom

I am 18 years old and an A level student currently attending Colchester Sixthform college. I take Art, Computing, Graphic design and Physics.

I have grown up all my life in rural Essex and have always been interested in nature and the world around me. Having a father as an artist (Julian Novorol http://www.sallymitchell.com/artists1.php?ai0=75&ti=10 ) I have grown up around art and been influenced by it greatly and have always enjoyed painting and drawing.
I'm not sure what i want to do after i have finished my A levels but i am sure it will be in the field or Art and Design.

The purpose of this blog for me is to talk about what I'm up to, upload lots of my artwork for people to enjoy and give criticisms or advice and to reach out further in the world of art.

thank you for viewing my blog, please feel free to drop me a comment.

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